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Beginners Course

Archery Beginners course: Based at Wolfshead Company of Archers, Granard/Edgeworthstown (dependent on time of year).

  • Adults: €100
  • Juniors (Under 18): €60
  • The courses last for 3 weeks, with a 2hr weekly session
  • persons under 16 must be accompanied on the course by an adult.
  • Minimum age for course is 12.
  • The upfront cost for the course is a 50% non refundable deposit (valid reasons for drop outs will be considered). Remaining fees payable on the first day of the course
  • All equipment for the course will be provided.

You can show your interest in our next course (starting in the next few weeks - dates TBC) by filling in the google form at the below link:

We will contact you via email with dates once they are known.